Weather in Chile in january 2026

Below, you have access to the weather forecast for january for most popular cities in Chile. These predictions are probabilities for january from weather reports for many years. The percentage indicates the probability of having the weather indicated.

Where to go in Chile in january?

Where to go in Chile in january: destination map

Chile: weather map in january in different regions
Chile: weather map in january in different regions ©

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Where to go in each region in january?

Central of Chile
(Santiago, Valparaiso, Constitucion...)
59°F to 92°F0 à 4 days59°F to 65°F
perfect weather
Easter island
(Easter island...)
76°F6 days77°F
good weather
North of Chile
(San Pedro de Atacama (Atacama Desert), Iquique, Caldera...)
52°F to 85°F0 à 16 days65°F to 74°F
perfect weather*
(Punta Arenas, Cape Horn, Parque Nacional Torres del Paine...)
34°F to 65°F1 à 23 days50°F to 56°F
bad weather*
South of Chile
(Puerto Varas, Temuco, Quellon...)
63°F to 88°F0 à 11 days58°F to 61°F
good weather*
*over most of the region. Weather may vary locally.

Where should you go in Chile in january when it comes to the weather?

The climate in Chile in january ranges from perfect to good depending on the region and city.

In january the weather is just perfect in Chile, however, only part of the territory is concerned, ie cities of Iquique, Santiago, Valparaiso and Arica. In these places, the conditions are right to enjoy a maximum your travel: the sun is here, precipitations are scarce and the humidity is bearable. It is therefore the ideal month to travel to these cities!

Apart from of Iquique, Santiago, Valparaiso and Arica, the weather is still good in the cities of Puerto Montt, San Pedro de Atacama, Chiloe Island, Pucón and Easter island. In these areas, temperatures are still suitable and allow you to visit - and why not do a bit of sunbathing in the sun!

If you do not go to spend your time in a lounger by the pool, but, for example to go sightseeing around, the cities of Punta Arenas, Portillo and Puerto Natales have a decent enough weather for this kind of activity in january.

Climate in Chile in january

Climate in Santiago in january

In the month of january, maximum temperature is 79°F and minimum temperature is 70°F (for an average temperature of 74°F). The climate quite enjoyable in this location in january. does not rain (or really exceptionally) during january. You stay dry during your stay!
With a perfect climate, january is a recommended month to go there in Chile.

Average temperature 74°F
Highest temperature 79°F
Lowest temperature 70°F
Rainfall 0.3in
Humidity 40%
Daily sunshine hours 12
Cloud cover 6%
Length of day 14:06
Our opinion at perfect
more information about the climate in Santiago in january

Climate in Caldera in january

In january, maximum temperature is 74°F and minimum temperature is 65°F (for an average temperature of 70°F). The climate is nice in this city in the month of january. It almost never rains during january. You will therefore be at the shelter from rain during your vacations!
With a perfect weather, january is an advisable time to go in that area in Chile.

Average temperature 70°F
Highest temperature 74°F
Lowest temperature 65°F
Rainfall 0in
Humidity 80%
Daily sunshine hours 12
Cloud cover 12%
Length of day 13:39
Our opinion at perfect
more information about the climate in Caldera in january

Climate in Easter island in january

In the month of january, the mean temperature in Easter island is 76°F (maximum temperature is 76°F and minimum temperature is 74°F). The climate enjoyable in that locality in this month. With 4.8in over 6 days, rainfall can happen for your trip. But this is reasonably and it is only of temporary showers.
With a good climate, the month of january is a good month to go in this locality.

Average temperature 76°F
Highest temperature 76°F
Lowest temperature 74°F
Sea temperature 77°F
Rainfall 4.8in
Number of days with rainfall 6 day(s)
Humidity 77%
Daily sunshine hours 13
Cloud cover 38%
Length of day 13:39
Our opinion at good
more information about the climate in Easter island in january

Climate in Iquique in january

In the month of january, maximum temperature is 77°F and minimum temperature is 65°F (for an average temperature of 72°F). The climate quite pleasant in this city in january. does not rain (or really exceptionally) during this month. You will therefore be at the shelter from rain during your journey!
With ideal weather conditions, january is a recommended time to go in this city.

Average temperature 72°F
Highest temperature 77°F
Lowest temperature 65°F
Sea temperature 73°F
Rainfall 0.2in
Humidity 76%
Daily sunshine hours 12
Cloud cover 15%
Length of day 13:12
Our opinion at perfect
more information about the climate in Iquique in january

Climate in Punta Arenas in january

In the month of january, the mean temperature in Punta Arenas is 54°F (maximum temperature is 56°F and minimum temperature is 50°F). The climate is quite cool in this location in this month, but it is tolerable when dressing warm. With 3.1in over 5 days, you will experience some showers throughout your vacations. But this is pretty moderate and it will not be continuous.
With proper weather, the month of january is okay (but not the best month) for traveling in Punta Arenas in Chile.

Average temperature 54°F
Highest temperature 56°F
Lowest temperature 50°F
Sea temperature 50°F
Rainfall 3.1in
Number of days with rainfall 5 day(s)
Humidity 75%
Daily sunshine hours 15
Cloud cover 59%
Length of day 16:20
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in Punta Arenas in january

All cities in Chile in january

Santiago in januaryperfect weather
Caldera in januaryperfect weather
Easter island in januarygood weather
Iquique in januaryperfect weather
Punta Arenas in januarytolerable weather
San Pedro de Atacama (Atacama Desert) in januaryperfect weather
Valparaiso in januaryperfect weather
Cape Horn in januarybad weather
Constitucion in januaryperfect weather
Parque Nacional Torres del Paine in januarybad weather
Puerto Varas in januarygood weather
Quellon in januarygood weather
Temuco in januaryperfect weather
Archipielago Juan Fernandez in januarygood weather
Arica in januaryperfect weather
Bahía Mansa in januarygood weather
Caleta Yungay in januarytolerable weather
Cerro Sombrero in januarybad weather
Chañaral in januaryperfect weather
Cobquecura in januaryperfect weather
El Tatio in januaryperfect weather
Elqui in januaryperfect weather
Huasco in januaryperfect weather
Chiloe Island in januarygood weather
Laguna del Inca in januarytolerable weather
Lebu in januarygood weather
Los Vilos in januaryperfect weather
Lota in januaryperfect weather
Parc national Isla Magdalena in januarybad weather
Parque Nacional Queulat in januarytolerable weather
Parque Nacional Bernardo O’Higgins in januaryvery bad weather
Parque Nacional Corcovado in januarytolerable weather
Parque Nacional Lauca in januarybad weather
Parque Nacional Vicente Perez Rosales in januarygood weather
Parque Pumalin in januarytolerable weather
Pichilemu in januaryperfect weather
See full list of cities (92)

Weather data for Chile in january:

Weather data for Chile in january is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Chile. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Chile can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to Chile.

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