When is the best time to go to Canoa Quebrada?

When is the best time to go to Canoa Quebrada? Here's some information to help you in your decision:

  • The best months for good weather in Canoa Quebrada are January, February, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December
  • On average, it is hot all year round
  • Canoa Quebrada has dry periods in September, October and November
  • The rainiest months are March and April
  • The sea temperature is suitable for swimming all year round

Annual weather in Canoa Quebrada

To get all the information about the climate and weather in Canoa Quebrada for a specific month, scroll down below the table and choose a month from the tabs.

January 79°F/90°F
February 79°F/90°F
March 79°F/88°F
April 79°F/88°F
May 77°F/88°F
June 76°F/88°F
July 76°F/88°F
August 76°F/90°F
September 76°F/90°F
October 79°F/90°F
November 79°F/90°F
December 79°F/90°F

Weather detail month by month in Canoa Quebrada

Weather and climate in Canoa Quebrada

Canoa Quebrada enjoys a tropical savanna climate (with dry summer) in accordance with the Köppen-Geiger classification. The yearly average maximum temperature in Canoa Quebrada is 90°F (ranging from 88°F in july to 90°F in october). Annual rainfall is 46.7in, with a minimum of 0.2in in september and a maximum of 10in in april.
  • In the month of january the climate is good. It is for example 90°F as maximum temperature in january and it rains about 4.9in each month.
  • From february to may the climate is okay. At lunchtime, it's 88°F in average.
  • From june to july the climate is beautiful. In average, on the morning it is 76°F and, in july, 4 days of rain are expected.
  • From august to december the climate is very good. the thermometer goes up to 90°F°C and, in december, 2 days of rain are expected.

Charts: temperature and rainfall in Canoa Quebrada

In the charts below, you can see the following seasonal norms for the city of Canoa Quebrada: the minimum and maximum outdoor temperature, the risk and amount of monthly rainfall, daily average sunshine, sea temperature, and relative humidity for each month of the year.

Outside temperature

Created with Highcharts 8.2.288°F88°F88°F88°F88°F88°F88°F88°F88°F88°F87°F87°F87°F87°F88°F88°F89°F89°F90°F90°F90°F90°F89°F89°F79°F79°F78°F78°F78°F78°F78°F78°F77°F77°F75°F75°F74°F74°F74°F74°F75°F75°F78°F78°F79°F79°F79°F79°Fjanuaryfebruarymarchaprilmayjunejulyaugustseptemberoctobernovemberdecember70°F75°F80°F85°F90°F95°F

Precipitation (rainfall)

Created with Highcharts 8.2.224%24%37%37%45%45%51%51%35%35%25%25%13%13%2%2%0%0%0%0%0%0%8%8%januaryfebruarymarchaprilmayjunejulyaugustseptemberoctobernovemberdecember0%20%40%60%0in4in8in12in

Daily sunshine hours

Created with Highcharts

Sea temperature

Created with Highcharts 8.2.284°F84°F86°F86°F85°F85°F86°F86°F86°F86°F84°F84°F83°F83°F82°F82°F81°F81°F83°F83°F83°F83°F84°F84°F82°F82°F81°F81°F83°F83°F83°F83°F82°F82°F81°F81°F80°F80°F79°F79°F79°F79°F79°F79°F81°F81°F81°F81°Fjanuaryfebruarymarchaprilmayjunejulyaugustseptemberoctobernovemberdecember78°F80°F82°F84°F86°F88°F


Created with Highcharts 8.2.282%82%84%84%86%86%87%87%87%87%85%85%82%82%80%80%79%79%78%78%77%77%79%79%januaryfebruarymarchaprilmayjunejulyaugustseptemberoctobernovemberdecember0%25%50%75%100%

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