Weather in Florida in july 2025

In this section, check out the weather forecast for the month of july for most popular cities in Florida. These forecasts are statistics for july from weather reports for many years. The percentage indicates the possibility of having the weather indicated.

Where to go in Florida in july?

Where to go in Florida in july: destination map

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Legend: perfect weather good tolerable bad very bad

Where should you go in Florida in july when it comes to the weather?

The climate in Florida in july is tolerable across the board.

It is not perfect, however, the weather in Florida that month should be pretty good in St. Augustine, Jacksonville, Daytona Beach, Pensacola, Fernandina Beach and Tampa. I allows to enjoy tours in these cities. And even why not take a little time to enjoy the hotel pool!

If you do not go for the sun or the beach, but, for example to go sightseeing around, the cities of Key Largo, Port Charlotte, Marco Island, Key West, Big Pine Key, Lakeland, Sebring, Tallahassee, Cape Coral, Islamorada, Orlando, Callaway, Port Saint Lucie, West Palm Beach, Everglades National Park, Fort Myers, Miami, Sarasota, Fort Lauderdale and Palm Bay have a OK but just acceptable weather for this kind of activity in july.

Climate in Florida in july

Climate in Miami in july

In the month of july, maximum temperature is 88°F and minimum temperature is 85°F (for an average temperature of 86°F). The climate is very hot in that area in this month. With 9.3in over 18 days, rainfall can happen throughout your stay. But this is moderate and you will not be too bothered by it.
With a correct climate, july is okay (but not good month) for traveling in this locality.

Average temperature 86°F
Highest temperature 88°F
Lowest temperature 85°F
Sea temperature 86°F
Rainfall 9.3in
Number of days with rainfall 18 day(s)
Humidity 75%
Daily sunshine hours 14
Cloud cover 27%
Length of day 13:36
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in Miami in july

Climate in Key West in july

In july, maximum temperature is 86°F and minimum temperature is 85°F (for an average temperature of 85°F). The climate is very hot in this location in july. With 8.7in over 14 days, you will experience some showers throughout your trip. But this is pretty reasonably and it will not be continuous.
With proper weather, july is okay (but not good time) for traveling in that area in United States.

Average temperature 85°F
Highest temperature 86°F
Lowest temperature 85°F
Sea temperature 86°F
Rainfall 8.7in
Number of days with rainfall 14 day(s)
Humidity 76%
Daily sunshine hours 14
Cloud cover 27%
Length of day 13:31
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in Key West in july

Climate in Orlando in july

In july, the mean temperature in Orlando is 86°F (maximum temperature is 92°F and minimum temperature is 79°F). The climate is very hot here in this month. With 11.4in over 17 days, rain may occur for your trip. But this is rather reasonably and you will not be too bothered by it.
With proper weather, the month of july is okay (but not the best time) for traveling in that area.

Average temperature 86°F
Highest temperature 92°F
Lowest temperature 79°F
Rainfall 11.4in
Number of days with rainfall 17 day(s)
Humidity 86%
Daily sunshine hours 14
Cloud cover 31%
Length of day 13:47
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in Orlando in july

Climate in Everglades National Park in july

In the month of july, the mean temperature in Everglades National Park is 88°F (maximum temperature is 92°F and minimum temperature is 85°F). The climate is burning here in this month. With 6.8in over 13 days, rain may occur throughout your holidays. But this is pretty moderate and it will not be continuous.
With a correct climate, the month of july is okay (but not the best month) for traveling there.

Average temperature 88°F
Highest temperature 92°F
Lowest temperature 85°F
Rainfall 6.8in
Number of days with rainfall 13 day(s)
Humidity 76%
Daily sunshine hours 14
Cloud cover 28%
Length of day 13:33
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in Everglades National Park in july

Climate in St. Augustine in july

In july, maximum temperature is 90°F and minimum temperature is 79°F (for an average temperature of 85°F). The climate is burning here in this month. With 9in over 15 days, rainfall can happen throughout your stay. But this is pretty moderate and it is only of temporary showers.
With a good climate, july is an advisable month to go in this locality.

Average temperature 85°F
Highest temperature 90°F
Lowest temperature 79°F
Sea temperature 83°F
Rainfall 9in
Number of days with rainfall 15 day(s)
Humidity 84%
Daily sunshine hours 14
Cloud cover 27%
Length of day 13:53
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in St. Augustine in july

All cities in Florida in july

Miami in julytolerable weather
Key West in julytolerable weather
Orlando in julytolerable weather
Everglades National Park in julytolerable weather
St. Augustine in julytolerable weather
Tampa in julytolerable weather
Anna Maria Island in julytolerable weather
Apalachicola in julytolerable weather
Big Cypress National Preserve in julytolerable weather
Biscayne National Park in julytolerable weather
Boynton Beach in julybad weather
Caladesi Island in julytolerable weather
Captiva Island in julytolerable weather
Cedar Key in julytolerable weather
Clearwater in julytolerable weather
Cocoa Beach in julygood weather
Dry Tortugas National Park in julytolerable weather
Egmont Key in julytolerable weather
Falling Waters State Park in julytolerable weather
Fort Lauderdale in julytolerable weather
Fort Pierce in julybad weather
See full list of cities (60)

Weather data for Florida in july:

Weather data for Florida in july is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Florida. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Florida can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to Florida.

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