Los Angeles in november: average Weather, Temperature and Climate
Weather in Los Angeles in november 2025
The weather in Los Angeles (California) in november comes from statistical datas on the last years. You can view the weather statistics the entire month, but also by using the tabs for the beginning, the middle and the end of the month.
Average weather throughout november
perfect weather UV index: 6
Weather at 6am
76% of time
Weather at 12pm
76% of time
Weather at 6pm
76% of time
Weather at 3am
Evolution of daily average temperature and precipitation in Los Angeles in november
These charts show the evolution of average minimum/maximum temperatures as well as average daily precipitation volume in Los Angeles in november.
The climate of Los Angeles in november is perfect
In November, the atmosphere gradually refreshes to the detriment of the mornings - which can become very mild. However, during the hottest hours of the day, it is still possible to wear summer clothes. Moreover, despite a relative increase in rainfall, showers remains episodic. As a result, the beautiful days follow one another in sequence.
Beginning of November in Los Angeles
During the first ten days of the month, the weather in Los Angeles in November is pleasant. Sometimes however, the mists, the mild morning temperature as well as sporadic rains can hinder morning walkers. Otherwise, with a pleasantly warm temperature and sunshine, the rest of the day is comfortable.
Middle of November in Los Angeles
The weather conditions for the second ten day period are identical to those for the previous, with only a few slight differences. Indeed, it is a bit colder and the sky is often covered with clouds. Fortunately, these rather heavy clouds rarely turn into rain.
End of November in Los Angeles
Thanks to the renewed temperature, the climate throughout November in Los Angeles is again favorable to summer activities. Indeed, the heat enhances the days that are already superbly sunny, and this despite a few rains that occur in the middle of the day as well as the fog that thickens in the early evening.
Seasonal average climate and temperature of Los Angeles in november
Check below seasonal norms These statistics are compiled from the weather statements earlier years of november.
November | |||||
Outside temperature | |||||
Average temperature | 68°F | ||||
Highest temperature | 76°F | ||||
Lowest temperature | 61°F | ||||
Highest record temperature | 101°F (2010) | ||||
Lowest record temperature | 38°F (2010) | ||||
Number of days at +86°F | 4 day(s) (13%) | ||||
Number of days at +65°F | 26 day(s) (87%) | ||||
Sea temperature | |||||
Average sea temperature | 63°F | ||||
Lowest sea temperature | 60°F | ||||
Highest sea temperature | 65°F | ||||
Wind | |||||
Wind speed | 14km/h | ||||
Wind temperature | 59°F | ||||
Precipitation (rainfall) | |||||
Rainfall | 0.9in | ||||
Number of days with rainfall | 1 day(s) (4%) | ||||
Record daily rainfall | 1.4in (2011) | ||||
Other climate data | |||||
Humidity | 53% | ||||
Visibility | 9.85km | ||||
Cloud cover | 14% | ||||
UV index | 6 | ||||
Daily sunshine hours | 9 | ||||
Sunrise and sunset | |||||
Time of sunrise | 06:26 | ||||
Time of sunset | 16:49 | ||||
Length of day | 10:23 | ||||
Our opinion about the weather in november | |||||
Our opinion at whereandwhen.net | perfect |
How was the weather last november?
Here is the day by day recorded weather in Los Angeles in november 2024:
59°F to 67°F
59°F to 68°F
54°F to 74°F
58°F to 76°F
61°F to 72°F
58°F to 74°F
54°F to 74°F
59°F to 74°F
56°F to 72°F
54°F to 70°F
52°F to 65°F
52°F to 76°F
54°F to 77°F
58°F to 68°F
52°F to 59°F
47°F to 63°F
52°F to 70°F
52°F to 65°F
54°F to 67°F
58°F to 76°F
58°F to 76°F
52°F to 67°F
50°F to 56°F
54°F to 61°F
54°F to 63°F
59°F to 61°F
58°F to 65°F
52°F to 72°F
56°F to 74°F
59°F to 76°F
Map: other cities in California in november
Cities near Los Angeles:
Hollywood in november | perfect weather |
Santa Monica in november | perfect weather |
Manhattan Beach in november | perfect weather |
Topanga in november | perfect weather |
Angeles National Forest in november | good weather |
Huntington Beach in november | perfect weather |
Malibu in november | perfect weather |
Newport Beach in november | perfect weather |
Oxnard in november | good weather |
San Bernardino in november | good weather |
San Clemente in november | perfect weather |
Ventura in november | good weather |
Click over cities on the map for information about the weather in november.
Weather data for Los Angeles in november:
Weather data for Los Angeles for november are derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Los Angeles. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Los Angeles can vary slightly from year to year, but this data should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags or check for the best time in year to go to Los Angeles.