Weather in Auvergne in november 2025

Below, find the the weather forecast for the month of november for most popular cities in Auvergne. These forecasts are statistics for november from weather reports for many years. The percentage indicates the probability of having the weather mentioned.

Where to go in Auvergne in november?

Where to go in Auvergne in november: destination map

Legend: perfect weather good tolerable bad very bad

Where to go in november based on the weather?

(Vichy, Montluçon, Moulins (Allier)...)
52°F to 54°F4 à 7 days
bad weather
(Aurillac (Cantal), Salers, Gorges de la Truyère...)
52°F7 days
very bad weather
(Puy-en-Velay (Haute-Loire), Lavaudieu, Saint-Arcons-d’Allier...)
49°F to 52°F6 days
very bad weather
(Clermont-Ferrand, Vulcania, Issoire...)
49°F to 54°F6 à 7 days
very bad weather

Where should you go in Auvergne in november when it comes to the weather?

The climate in Auvergne in november ranges from bad to very bad depending on the region and city.

This month is not the best month to travel to in Auvergne. The climate in Besse-et-Saint-Anastaise, Issoire, Saint-Nectaire, Aurillac (Cantal), Montluçon, Vichy, Clermont-Ferrand, Moulins (Allier), Puy-en-Velay (Haute-Loire) and Mont-Dore and everywhere in the country is bad. It's cold, the sun is not there all the time and you take the risk being faced with rain very regularly wherever you go.

Climate in Auvergne in november

Climate in Clermont-Ferrand in november

In the month of november, the mean temperature in Clermont-Ferrand is 47°F (maximum temperature is 54°F and minimum temperature is 41°F). The climate is rather cold around this city in this month, but it is tolerable by dressing hot. With 3.5in over 6 days, rain may occur during your vacations. But this is pretty reasonably and it will not be continuous.
With a bad climate, the month of november is not recommended month to go in Clermont-Ferrand in Auvergne.

Average temperature 47°F
Highest temperature 54°F
Lowest temperature 41°F
Rainfall 3.5in
Number of days with rainfall 6 day(s)
Humidity 91%
Daily sunshine hours 7
Cloud cover 50%
Length of day 09:29
Our opinion at very bad
more information about the climate in Clermont-Ferrand in november

Climate in Aurillac (Cantal) in november

In november, the mean temperature in Aurillac (Cantal) is 45°F (maximum temperature is 52°F and minimum temperature is 40°F). The climate is fairly cool in that locality in this month, but it is livable when dressing cosy. With 4.9in over 7 days, you will experience some showers during your vacations. But this is rather reasonably and it will not be continuous.
With a bad weather, november is not recommended month to go in Aurillac (Cantal).

Average temperature 45°F
Highest temperature 52°F
Lowest temperature 40°F
Rainfall 4.9in
Number of days with rainfall 7 day(s)
Humidity 94%
Daily sunshine hours 7
Cloud cover 57%
Length of day 09:34
Our opinion at very bad
more information about the climate in Aurillac (Cantal) in november

Climate in Puy-en-Velay (Haute-Loire) in november

In the month of november, maximum temperature is 49°F and minimum temperature is 38°F (for an average temperature of 43°F). The climate is fairly cool here in november, but it is livable by dressing warm. With 4.5in over 6 days, you risk getting wet slightly throughout your vacations. But this is moderate and it will not be continuous.
With a bad climate, november is not recommended month to go in that area.

Average temperature 43°F
Highest temperature 49°F
Lowest temperature 38°F
Rainfall 4.5in
Number of days with rainfall 6 day(s)
Humidity 93%
Daily sunshine hours 7
Cloud cover 55%
Length of day 09:33
Our opinion at very bad
more information about the climate in Puy-en-Velay (Haute-Loire) in november

Climate in Vichy in november

In the month of november, maximum temperature is 54°F and minimum temperature is 43°F (for an average temperature of 49°F). The climate is fairly cool there in this month, but it is bearable when dressing hot. With 3.9in over 7 days, you will experience some showers during your journey. But this is pretty reasonably and you will not be too bothered by it.
With a bad weather, the month of november is not recommended month to go there in Auvergne.

Average temperature 49°F
Highest temperature 54°F
Lowest temperature 43°F
Rainfall 3.9in
Number of days with rainfall 7 day(s)
Humidity 91%
Daily sunshine hours 7
Cloud cover 49%
Length of day 09:27
Our opinion at bad
more information about the climate in Vichy in november

Climate in Vulcania in november

In the month of november, maximum temperature is 49°F and minimum temperature is 40°F (for an average temperature of 45°F). The climate is rather more than very fresh around this city in this month. Plan a sweater! With 4.2in over 7 days, rain may occur during your trip. But this is pretty reasonably and it will not be continuous.

Average temperature 45°F
Highest temperature 49°F
Lowest temperature 40°F
Rainfall 4.2in
Number of days with rainfall 7 day(s)
Humidity 92%
Daily sunshine hours 7
Cloud cover 53%
Length of day 09:28
Our opinion at very bad
more information about the climate in Vulcania in november

All cities in Auvergne in november

Clermont-Ferrand in novembervery bad weather
Aurillac (Cantal) in novembervery bad weather
Puy-en-Velay (Haute-Loire) in novembervery bad weather
Vichy in novemberbad weather
Vulcania in novembervery bad weather
Arronnes in novemberbad weather
Issoire in novembervery bad weather
Montluçon in novemberbad weather
Moulins (Allier) in novembervery bad weather
Puy de Sancy in novembervery bad weather
Royat in novembervery bad weather
Saint-Saturnin (Puy-de-Dôme) in novembervery bad weather
Salers in novembervery bad weather
Besse-et-Saint-Anastaise in novembervery bad weather
Cézallier in novembervery bad weather
Gorges de la Truyère in novembervery bad weather
Lac de Pavin in novembervery bad weather
Lavaudieu in novembervery bad weather
Mont-Dore in novembervery bad weather
Livradois-Forez in novembervery bad weather
Guéry in novembervery bad weather
Saint-Arcons-d’Allier in novembervery bad weather
Saint-Nectaire in novembervery bad weather
Volcan de Lemptégy in novembervery bad weather
Ambert in novembervery bad weather
Aurec-sur-Loire in novembervery bad weather
Brioude in novembervery bad weather
Brives-Charensac in novembervery bad weather
Commentry in novemberbad weather
Cournon-dAuvergne in novembervery bad weather
Courpiere in novembervery bad weather
Gannat in novemberbad weather
Langeac in novembervery bad weather
Lapalisse in novemberbad weather
Lurcy-Levis in novemberbad weather
Mauriac in novembervery bad weather
Maurs in novembervery bad weather
Monistrol-sur-Loire in novembervery bad weather
Riom in novembervery bad weather
Riom-es-Montagnes in novembervery bad weather
Saint-Eloy-les-Mines in novemberbad weather
Saint-Flour in novembervery bad weather
Saint-Just-Malmont in novembervery bad weather
Saint-Pourcain-sur-Sioule in novemberbad weather
Sainte-Sigolene in novembervery bad weather
Saugues in novembervery bad weather
Thiers in novembervery bad weather
Vallon-en-Sully in novemberbad weather
Varennes-sur-Allier in novemberbad weather
Yssingeaux in novembervery bad weather
See full list of cities (50)

Weather data for Auvergne in november:

Weather data for Auvergne in november is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Auvergne. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Auvergne can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to the Auvergne.

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