Madrid in april: average Weather, Temperature and Climate
Weather in Madrid in april 2025
The weather in Madrid in april comes from statistical datas on the past years. You can view the weather statistics the entire month, but also by using the tabs for the beginning, the middle and the end of the month.
Average weather throughout april
tolerable weather 0.3cm
Weather at 6am
47% of time
Weather at 12pm
49% of time
Weather at 6pm
45% of time
Weather at 3am
Evolution of daily average temperature and precipitation in Madrid in april
These charts show the evolution of average minimum/maximum temperatures as well as average daily precipitation volume in Madrid in april.
The climate of Madrid in april is tolerable
In April, humidity is at its peak. However, it is relatively low with only 10 days of rainfall and this leaves more room for sunny days and good weather. The climate in April throughout Madrid allows for the opportunity to spend pleasant moments and the whether is perfect for visiting the city or relaxing. Indeed, the atmosphere becomes more gentle and the heat begins to be felt, especially by midday.
Madrid at the Beginning of April
During the first few days of April, the morning temperatures are still cool and rarely exceeds 10° C. Moreover, the atmospheric conditions are conducive with the appearance of a fairly thick covering of mist. Fortunately, with the passing hours, the temperatures rise and promotes a warm feeling. As it dissipates, the fog gives way to a beautiful and sunny day. Pay attention to the risk of thunderstorms if planning outings in the evening.
Madrid in the Middle of April
In mid-April, even if temperatures continue to climb, the mornings remain cool. In addition, rain occurs quite frequently. Towards the middle of the day, the rise of temperature favors a gentle heat which is often accompanied by a wonderful sunshine: this is the best time of the day to enjoy the weather throughout April in Madrid. The pleasant atmosphere of the evening also favors night-time outings, especially if the storm has ended.
Madrid at the End of April
During the last ten days, the climatic conditions regress. Even if precipitation gains in intensity, the atmosphere becomes more gentle. Temperatures drop a notch and the mornings become cold once again. It is necessary to wait until the clouds thin out in order to enjoy the weather in Madrid throughout April - even on its best days. The rain is likely to come as a surprise, even in the middle of the day. The risk of thunderstorm is not to be neglected, especially if one desires to enjoy the nightlife in Madrid.
Madrid: another month?
If you can push back the dates of your trip, we advise you to go in may to Madrid. more information
April: another location in Spain?
If you want to go to Spain in april, there are destinations with better weather than Madrid:
In april, Alicante, Barcelona, Bilbao, Lloret de Mar, Malaga and Salou have good weather.
Seasonal average climate and temperature of Madrid in april
Check below seasonal norms These statistics are compiled from the weather statements earlier years of april.
April | |||||
Outside temperature | |||||
Average temperature | 58°F | ||||
Highest temperature | 67°F | ||||
Lowest temperature | 49°F | ||||
Highest record temperature | 86°F (2011) | ||||
Lowest record temperature | 32°F (2013) | ||||
Number of days at +86°F | 0 day(s) (0%) | ||||
Number of days at +65°F | 18 day(s) (60%) | ||||
Number of days at -32°F | 0 day(s) (0%) | ||||
Wind | |||||
Wind speed | 17km/h | ||||
Wind temperature | 45°F | ||||
Precipitation (rainfall) | |||||
Rainfall | 2.7in | ||||
Number of days with rainfall | 4 day(s) (13%) | ||||
Record daily rainfall | 1.7in (2011) | ||||
Snowfall | 0.3cm | ||||
Other climate data | |||||
Humidity | 81% | ||||
Visibility | 9.35km | ||||
Cloud cover | 32% | ||||
UV index | 5 | ||||
Daily sunshine hours | 11 | ||||
Sunrise and sunset | |||||
Time of sunrise | 06:36 | ||||
Time of sunset | 19:54 | ||||
Length of day | 13:18 | ||||
Our opinion about the weather in april | |||||
Our opinion at | tolerable |
How was the weather last april?
Here is the day by day recorded weather in Madrid in april 2024:
43°F to 56°F
41°F to 56°F
49°F to 65°F
49°F to 68°F
52°F to 74°F
56°F to 76°F
59°F to 70°F
52°F to 61°F
41°F to 61°F
43°F to 68°F
50°F to 77°F
50°F to 74°F
54°F to 77°F
56°F to 77°F
59°F to 81°F
56°F to 77°F
49°F to 74°F
49°F to 72°F
43°F to 72°F
54°F to 74°F
49°F to 72°F
47°F to 68°F
38°F to 63°F
40°F to 65°F
49°F to 65°F
49°F to 63°F
47°F to 59°F
45°F to 63°F
45°F to 67°F
47°F to 65°F
Map: other cities in Spain in april
Cities near Madrid:
El Escorial in april | very bad weather |
Toledo in april | tolerable weather |
Segovia in april | very bad weather |
Cuenca in april | tolerable weather |
Ciudad Real in april | tolerable weather |
Valladolid in april | tolerable weather |
Salamanca in april | very bad weather |
Soria in april | very bad weather |
Palencia in april | tolerable weather |
Albarracín in april | tolerable weather |
Burgos in april | very bad weather |
Teruel in april | tolerable weather |
Click over cities on the map for information about the weather in april.
Weather data for Madrid in april:
Weather data for Madrid for april are derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Madrid. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Madrid can vary slightly from year to year, but this data should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags or check for the best time in year to go to Madrid.