Weather on the island of Minorca in april 2025

Below, find the the weather forecast for the month of april for most popular cities in Minorca. These forecasts are statistics for april from weather reports for many years. The percentage indicates the possibility of having the weather mentioned.

Where to go on the island of Minorca in april?

Where to go on the island of Minorca in april: destination map

Legend: perfect weather good tolerable bad very bad

Where should you go on the island of Minorca in april when it comes to the weather?

The climate on the island of Minorca in april is good across the board.

Thanks to the mild temperatures and the rarity of the rains, the weather in Menorca throughout April allows to enjoy all kinds of outdoor activities beneath good weather conditions. This is especially true as the sun embellishes the days one after the next.

Menorca at the Beginning of April

At the beginning of the month, the morning temperatures are still quite mild - but as the hours go by, they gain a few degrees which makes it possible to feel a sense of well-being without having to encumber with warm clothes. Midday is the favourable moment if one wants to take advantage of the sun and the pleasantly fresh warmth.

Menorca in the Middle of April

The middle of the month is the period when one can enjoy a superb climate throughout April in Menorca, following the slight rise in temperatures. As the retreat of the rains is quite significant, the beautiful sunny days begin to impose themselves in order to define the weather in Menorca.

Menorca at the End of April

Climatic conditions at the end of April are identical to those of the first weeks of the month. The superb midday follows the beautiful and gentle mornings - to the delight of the vacationers who choose to recharge their batteries here. The weather is suitable for outdoor activities such as sightseeing and hiking.

Climate on the island of Minorca in april

Climate in Ciutadella de Menorca in april

In the month of april, the mean temperature in Ciutadella de Menorca is 61°F (maximum temperature is 63°F and minimum temperature is 59°F). The climate is quite cold in this location in the month of april, but it is tolerable by dressing cosy. With about 1in over 2 days, rain may be scarce during your journey.
With a good climate, april is a good month to go in Ciutadella de Menorca.

Average temperature 61°F
Highest temperature 63°F
Lowest temperature 59°F
Sea temperature 61°F
Rainfall 1in
Number of days with rainfall 2 day(s)
Humidity 79%
Daily sunshine hours 12
Cloud cover 30%
Length of day 13:16
Our opinion at good
more information about the climate in Ciutadella de Menorca in april

Climate in Fornells in april

In april, maximum temperature is 63°F and minimum temperature is 59°F (for an average temperature of 61°F). The climate is relatively cold in that locality in this month, but it is liveable by dressing hot. With about 2.4in over 4 days, rain may be scarce throughout your journey.
With good weather conditions, the month of april is a good month to go in this locality.

Average temperature 61°F
Highest temperature 63°F
Lowest temperature 59°F
Sea temperature 61°F
Rainfall 2.4in
Number of days with rainfall 4 day(s)
Humidity 79%
Daily sunshine hours 12
Cloud cover 30%
Length of day 13:17
Our opinion at good
more information about the climate in Fornells in april

Climate in Port Mahon in april

In the month of april, the mean temperature in Port Mahon is 61°F (maximum temperature is 63°F and minimum temperature is 59°F). The climate is quite cool here in this month, but it is livable by dressing warm. With barely 2.2in over 4 days, it rains very little during your vacations.
With a good weather, april is a recommended month to go in Port Mahon in Minorca.

Average temperature 61°F
Highest temperature 63°F
Lowest temperature 59°F
Sea temperature 61°F
Rainfall 2.2in
Number of days with rainfall 4 day(s)
Humidity 79%
Daily sunshine hours 12
Cloud cover 29%
Length of day 13:17
Our opinion at good
more information about the climate in Port Mahon in april

Climate in Alaior in april

In the month of april, maximum temperature is 63°F and minimum temperature is 59°F (for an average temperature of 61°F). The climate is relatively cold there in this month, but it is tolerable by dressing cosy. With about 2.2in over 4 days, it rains very little during your vacations.
With a good weather, april is an advisable month to go in Alaior in Balearic Islands.

Average temperature 61°F
Highest temperature 63°F
Lowest temperature 59°F
Sea temperature 61°F
Rainfall 2.2in
Number of days with rainfall 4 day(s)
Humidity 79%
Daily sunshine hours 12
Cloud cover 29%
Length of day 13:16
Our opinion at good
more information about the climate in Alaior in april

Climate in Arenal d'en Castell in april

In april, the mean temperature in Arenal d'en Castell is 61°F (maximum temperature is 63°F and minimum temperature is 59°F). The climate is relatively cold here in this month, but it is endurable by dressing cosy. With just 2.2in over 4 days, the rain will not be a problem during your holidays.
With a good climate, the month of april is a good month to go in that area.

Average temperature 61°F
Highest temperature 63°F
Lowest temperature 59°F
Sea temperature 61°F
Rainfall 2.2in
Number of days with rainfall 4 day(s)
Humidity 79%
Daily sunshine hours 12
Cloud cover 29%
Length of day 13:17
Our opinion at good
more information about the climate in Arenal d'en Castell in april

All cities on the island of Minorca in april

Ciutadella de Menorca in aprilgood weather
Fornells in aprilgood weather
Port Mahon in aprilgood weather
Alaior in aprilgood weather
Arenal d'en Castell in aprilgood weather
Binibeca in aprilgood weather
Cala Blanca in aprilgood weather
Cala en Blanes in aprilgood weather
Cala en Bosc in aprilgood weather
Cala En Porter in aprilgood weather
Cala Galdana in aprilgood weather
Cala Morell in aprilgood weather
Es Canutells in aprilgood weather
Es Castell in aprilgood weather
Es Migjorn Gran in aprilgood weather
Ferreries in aprilgood weather
Mercadal in aprilgood weather
Punta prima in aprilgood weather
Sant Lluís in aprilgood weather
Sant Tomàs in aprilgood weather
Son Bou in aprilgood weather
See full list of cities (28)

Weather data for Minorca in april:

Weather data for Minorca in april is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 on the island of Minorca. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather on the island of Minorca can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to Menorca.

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