Weather in Lapland in november 2025

Below, find the the weather forecast for the month of november for most popular cities in Lapland. These datas are probabilities for november from weather reports for over 10 years. The percentage indicates the probability of having the weather mentioned.

Where to go in Lapland in november?

Where to go in Lapland in november: destination map

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors
Legend: perfect weather good tolerable bad very bad

Where should you go in Lapland in november when it comes to the weather?

The climate in Lapland in november is very bad across the board.

November is one of the worst month for traveling to Lapland. The climate in Piteå, Arvidsjaur, Saariselkä, Vardø, Inari (Lake Inari), Båtsfjord, Lyngseidet, Salla, Alta, Jokkmokk, Hammerfest, Pajala, Kolari, Pello, Lulea, Robertsfors, Kautokeino, Rovaniemi, Apatity, Honningsvåg, Gällivare, Lycksele, Kiruna, Tornio, Ivalo, Kemi, Oulanka National Park, Sodankylä, Tromso, Pelkosenniemi, Kittilä, Abisko, Skjervoy, Storuman, Mourmansk, Umeå, Vadsø, Muonio, Storslett, Enontekiö, Skellefteå, Ranua, Ylitornio and Lakselv and everywhere in the country is ver bad. It's cold, the sun is not there all the time and you take the risk of being you soak in the rain very regularly wherever you go.

Climate in Lapland in november

Climate in Rovaniemi in november

In the month of november, maximum temperature is 31°F and minimum temperature is 25°F (for an average temperature of 29°F). The climate is very cold in that locality in the month of november. Bring warm clothes!. With about 2.9in over 5 days, rain may be scarce throughout your journey.

Average temperature 29°F
Highest temperature 31°F
Lowest temperature 25°F
Rainfall 2.9in
Number of days with rainfall 5 day(s)
Humidity 96%
Daily sunshine hours 3
Cloud cover 72%
Length of day 05:41
Our opinion at very bad
more information about the climate in Rovaniemi in november

Climate in Enontekiö in november

In november, maximum temperature is 25°F and minimum temperature is 20°F (for an average temperature of 23°F). The climate is icy in that area in this month. Plan to cover you well!. With 2.2in over 4 days, rain may be scarce throughout your holidays.

Average temperature 23°F
Highest temperature 25°F
Lowest temperature 20°F
Rainfall 2.2in
Number of days with rainfall 4 day(s)
Humidity 95%
Daily sunshine hours 3
Cloud cover 69%
Length of day 04:49
Our opinion at very bad
more information about the climate in Enontekiö in november

Climate in Ivalo in november

In november, the mean temperature in Ivalo is 25°F (maximum temperature is 29°F and minimum temperature is 23°F). The climate is icy around this city in november. Do not forget to cover yourself!. With barely 2.1in over 3 days, the rain will not be a problem during your journey.

Average temperature 25°F
Highest temperature 29°F
Lowest temperature 23°F
Rainfall 2.1in
Number of days with rainfall 3 day(s)
Humidity 94%
Daily sunshine hours 3
Cloud cover 70%
Length of day 04:40
Our opinion at very bad
more information about the climate in Ivalo in november

Climate in Alta in november

In november, the mean temperature in Alta is 29°F (maximum temperature is 32°F and minimum temperature is 27°F). The climate is very cold in this location in this month. Do not forget to cover yourself!. With 2.1in over 3 days, rainfall is infrequent during your stay.

Average temperature 29°F
Highest temperature 32°F
Lowest temperature 27°F
Sea temperature 44°F
Rainfall 2.1in
Number of days with rainfall 3 day(s)
Humidity 89%
Daily sunshine hours 3
Cloud cover 61%
Length of day 03:49
Our opinion at very bad
more information about the climate in Alta in november

Climate in Inari (Lake Inari) in november

In the month of november, maximum temperature is 29°F and minimum temperature is 25°F (for an average temperature of 27°F). The climate is very cold in this city in november. Do not forget to cover yourself!. With just 2.2in over 4 days, rainfall is infrequent for your vacations.

Average temperature 27°F
Highest temperature 29°F
Lowest temperature 25°F
Rainfall 2.2in
Number of days with rainfall 4 day(s)
Humidity 93%
Daily sunshine hours 2
Cloud cover 71%
Length of day 04:26
Our opinion at very bad
more information about the climate in Inari (Lake Inari) in november

All cities in Lapland in november

Rovaniemi in novembervery bad weather
Enontekiö in novembervery bad weather
Ivalo in novembervery bad weather
Alta in novembervery bad weather
Inari (Lake Inari) in novembervery bad weather
Kemi in novembervery bad weather
Lulea in novembervery bad weather
Oulanka National Park in novembervery bad weather
Saariselkä in novembervery bad weather
Tromso in novembervery bad weather
Abisko in novembervery bad weather
Lyngen Alps (Lyngsalpan) in novembervery bad weather
Honningsvåg in novembervery bad weather
Kilpisjärvi in novembervery bad weather
Kirkenes in novembervery bad weather
Kiruna in novembervery bad weather
Kittilä in novembervery bad weather
Lemmenjoki National park (Lemmenjoen kansallispuisto) in novembervery bad weather
Padjelanta nationalpark in novembervery bad weather
Pajala in novembervery bad weather
Pallas-Yllästunturin national park (Pallas-Yllästunturin kansallispuisto) in novembervery bad weather
Ranua in novembervery bad weather
See full list of cities (45)

Weather data for Lapland in november:

Weather data for Lapland in november is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Lapland. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Lapland can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to Lapland.

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