Weather in Czechia in november 2025

Below, check out the weather forecast for the month of november for most popular cities in Czech Republic. These predictions are probabilities for the month of november from weather reports for over 10 years. The percentage indicates the probability of having the weather mentioned.

Where to go in Czechia in november?

Where to go in Czechia in november: destination map

Legend: perfect weather good tolerable bad very bad

Where to go in each region in november?

Central of Czech Republic
(Prague, Kolín, Kutná Hora...)
47°F to 49°F1 à 4 days
very bad weather
East of Czech Republic
(Brno, Ostrava, Austerlitz (Slavkov)...)
45°F to 49°F1 à 4 days
very bad weather
West of Czech Republic
(Karlovy Vary, Český Krumlov (South Bohemian Region), Šumava National Park...)
43°F to 49°F2 à 5 days
very bad weather

Where should you go in Czechia in november when it comes to the weather?

The climate in Czechia in november is very bad across the board.

The month of november is one of the worst month for spending holidays in Czech Republic. The climate in Karlovy Vary, Kutná Hora, Olomouc, Šumava National Park, Brno, Telč, Prague, Ostrava, Český Krumlov (South Bohemian Region) and Harrachov Ski Resort and everywhere in the country is ver bad. It's cold, the sun is not there all the time and you take the risk of being you soak in the rain very regularly wherever you go.

Climate in Czechia in november

Climate in Prague in november

In the month of november, the mean temperature in Prague is 43°F (maximum temperature is 49°F and minimum temperature is 40°F). The climate is quite more than very fresh there in this month. Plan to cover you well! With about 2.2in over 4 days, the rain will not be a problem for your holidays.

Average temperature 43°F
Highest temperature 49°F
Lowest temperature 40°F
Rainfall 2.2in
Number of days with rainfall 4 day(s)
Humidity 89%
Daily sunshine hours 7
Cloud cover 53%
Length of day 09:02
Our opinion at very bad
more information about the climate in Prague in november

Climate in Kolín in november

In november, maximum temperature is 49°F and minimum temperature is 40°F (for an average temperature of 43°F). The climate is quite more than very fresh here in this month. Bring warm clothes! With just 1.8in over 3 days, the rain will not be a problem during your vacations.

Average temperature 43°F
Highest temperature 49°F
Lowest temperature 40°F
Rainfall 1.8in
Number of days with rainfall 3 day(s)
Humidity 89%
Daily sunshine hours 7
Cloud cover 48%
Length of day 09:03
Our opinion at very bad

Climate in Austerlitz (Slavkov) in november

In the month of november, maximum temperature is 49°F and minimum temperature is 40°F (for an average temperature of 43°F). The climate is rather cold in this location in november. Plan to cover you well! With barely 1.6in over 2 days, rain may be scarce throughout your trip.

Average temperature 43°F
Highest temperature 49°F
Lowest temperature 40°F
Rainfall 1.6in
Number of days with rainfall 2 day(s)
Humidity 89%
Daily sunshine hours 7
Cloud cover 54%
Length of day 09:08
Our opinion at very bad

Climate in Bohemian Switzerland National Park in november

In november, maximum temperature is 47°F and minimum temperature is 38°F (for an average temperature of 43°F). The climate is rather cold in that area in this month. Do not forget to cover yourself! With 2.4in over 4 days, rain may occur throughout your holidays. But this is rather reasonably and it will not be continuous.

Average temperature 43°F
Highest temperature 47°F
Lowest temperature 38°F
Rainfall 2.4in
Number of days with rainfall 4 day(s)
Humidity 92%
Daily sunshine hours 7
Cloud cover 51%
Length of day 08:56
Our opinion at very bad
more information about the climate in Bohemian Switzerland National Park in november

Climate in Brno in november

In the month of november, maximum temperature is 49°F and minimum temperature is 40°F (for an average temperature of 43°F). The climate is quite cold in that area in november. Do not forget to cover yourself! With barely 1.6in over 2 days, it rains very little during your journey.

Average temperature 43°F
Highest temperature 49°F
Lowest temperature 40°F
Rainfall 1.6in
Number of days with rainfall 2 day(s)
Humidity 89%
Daily sunshine hours 7
Cloud cover 54%
Length of day 09:08
Our opinion at very bad
more information about the climate in Brno in november

All cities in Czechia in november

Prague in novembervery bad weather
Kolín in novembervery bad weather
Austerlitz (Slavkov) in novembervery bad weather
Bohemian Switzerland National Park in novembervery bad weather
Brno in novembervery bad weather
Ceské Budejovice in novembervery bad weather
Český Krumlov (South Bohemian Region) in novembervery bad weather
Harrachov Ski Resort in novembervery bad weather
Holašovice in novembervery bad weather
Jablonec nad Nisou in novembervery bad weather
Karlovy Vary in novembervery bad weather
Kutná Hora in novembervery bad weather
Lednice in novembervery bad weather
Lipno nad Vltavou in novembervery bad weather
Marianské Lazné (Marienbad) in novembervery bad weather
Mikulov in novembervery bad weather
Moravia (Olomouc) in novembervery bad weather
South Moravian Region in novembervery bad weather
Ostrava in novembervery bad weather
Šumava National Park in novembervery bad weather
Telč in novembervery bad weather
Terezín in novembervery bad weather
Benešov in novembervery bad weather
Beroun in novembervery bad weather
Blansko in novembervery bad weather
Brandys nad Labem-Stara Boleslav in novembervery bad weather
Chomutov in novembervery bad weather
Domazlice in novembervery bad weather
Dvur Kralove nad Labem in novembervery bad weather
Cheb in novembervery bad weather
Frydek-Mistek in novembervery bad weather
Hlinsko in novembervery bad weather
Hodonín in novembervery bad weather
Hradec Králové in novembervery bad weather
Jesenik in novembervery bad weather
Jihlava in novembervery bad weather
Karvina in novembervery bad weather
Kladno in novembervery bad weather
Klatovy in novembervery bad weather
Krnov in novembervery bad weather
Liberec in novembervery bad weather
Litomyšl in novembervery bad weather
Mladá Boleslav in novembervery bad weather
Most in novembervery bad weather
Nachod in novembervery bad weather
Opava in novembervery bad weather
Pardubice in novembervery bad weather
Pilsen in novembervery bad weather
Rokycany in novembervery bad weather
Roznov pod Radhostem in novembervery bad weather
Slany in novembervery bad weather
Strakonice in novembervery bad weather
Sumperk in novembervery bad weather
Tábor in novembervery bad weather
Tachov in novembervery bad weather
Teplice in novembervery bad weather
Trutnov in novembervery bad weather
Ústí nad Labem in novembervery bad weather
Usti nad Orlici in novembervery bad weather
Varnsdorf in novembervery bad weather
Vrchlabi in novembervery bad weather
Vyškov in novembervery bad weather
Zlín in novembervery bad weather
Znojmo in novembervery bad weather
See full list of cities (64)

Weather data for Czech Republic in november:

Weather data for Czech Republic in november is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Czechia. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Czechia can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to the Czech Republic.

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