Weather on the island of Fuerteventura in november 2025

In this section, you have access to the weather forecast for the month of november for most popular cities in Fuerteventura. These forecasts are probabilities for the month of november from weather reports for many years. The percentage indicates the possibility of having the weather mentioned.

Average weather in november in Puerto del Rosario

perfect weather UV index: 6

Weather at 6am

Partly Cloudy




Moderate rain at times


Weather at 12pm

Partly Cloudy


Moderate rain at times




Weather at 6pm

Partly Cloudy


Moderate rain at times




Weather at 3am



Partly Cloudy




Moderate rain at times


More information about the weather in Puerto del Rosario in november

Where to go on the island of Fuerteventura in november?

Where to go on the island of Fuerteventura in november: destination map

Legend: perfect weather good tolerable bad very bad

Where should you go on the island of Fuerteventura in november when it comes to the weather?

The climate on the island of Fuerteventura in november is perfect across the board.

In November, the tourists of Fuerteventura and its inhabitants can still enjoy superb climatic conditions. Pleasant warmth and perfect sunshine accompany those who come to relax, away from the cold that dominates certain regions of the world. Indeed, with temperatures varying between 22° C and 24° C as well as the absence of rain, the climate throughout November in Fuerteventura is perfect.

Fuerteventura at the Beginning of November

Even if the day is shortened by sight, heat and sun are the main climatic advantages of this Canary Island. During the first ten days of the month, the morning temperature rises to around 22° C, while in the hottest hours of the day it is only two degrees Celsius higher.

Fuerteventura in the Middle of November

During the ten days following the first weeks of the month, the weather is slightly refreshed. It is at dawn that the freshness of the atmosphere is most felt. Fortunately for the rest of the day, the heat is nice overall.

Fuerteventura at the End of November

Towards the end of the month, the weather in Fuerteventura throughout November is likely to surprise more than one. Because of the influence of the wind coming in from the Sahara, the temperatures rise abruptly and cause a peak of heat which is nevertheless bearable thanks to the sea breeze.

Climate on the island of Fuerteventura in november

Climate in Puerto del Rosario in november

In the month of november, maximum temperature is 72°F and minimum temperature is 68°F (for an average temperature of 70°F). The climate is quite nice there in the month of november. With barely 0.9in over 1 days, the rain will not be a problem for your holidays.
With ideal weather conditions, november is an advisable month to go in Puerto del Rosario in Canary Islands.

Average temperature 70°F
Highest temperature 72°F
Lowest temperature 68°F
Sea temperature 71°F
Rainfall 0.9in
Number of days with rainfall 1 day(s)
Humidity 76%
Daily sunshine hours 10
Cloud cover 30%
Length of day 10:44
Our opinion at perfect
more information about the climate in Puerto del Rosario in november

Climate in Corralejo in november

In november, maximum temperature is 72°F and minimum temperature is 70°F (for an average temperature of 70°F). The climate is quite pleasant in that locality in this month. With 0.7in over 1 days, it rains very little for your stay.
With a perfect weather, november is a recommended time to go there in Canary Islands.

Average temperature 70°F
Highest temperature 72°F
Lowest temperature 70°F
Sea temperature 71°F
Rainfall 0.7in
Number of days with rainfall 1 day(s)
Humidity 75%
Daily sunshine hours 10
Cloud cover 31%
Length of day 10:43
Our opinion at perfect
more information about the climate in Corralejo in november

Climate in Morro Jable in november

In the month of november, maximum temperature is 74°F and minimum temperature is 70°F (for an average temperature of 72°F). The climate is nice around this city in november. With about 0.9in over 1 days, rainfall is infrequent throughout your stay.
With a perfect weather, november is a recommended month to go in this city.

Average temperature 72°F
Highest temperature 74°F
Lowest temperature 70°F
Sea temperature 71°F
Rainfall 0.9in
Number of days with rainfall 1 day(s)
Humidity 75%
Daily sunshine hours 11
Cloud cover 28%
Length of day 10:46
Our opinion at perfect
more information about the climate in Morro Jable in november

Climate in Antigua in november

In the month of november, the mean temperature in Antigua is 70°F (maximum temperature is 72°F and minimum temperature is 68°F). The climate is quite nice here in this month. With just 0.9in over 1 days, the rain will not be a problem for your journey.
With a perfect weather, november is a recommended month to go in this locality in Canary Islands.

Average temperature 70°F
Highest temperature 72°F
Lowest temperature 68°F
Sea temperature 71°F
Rainfall 0.9in
Number of days with rainfall 1 day(s)
Humidity 76%
Daily sunshine hours 10
Cloud cover 30%
Length of day 10:44
Our opinion at perfect
more information about the climate in Antigua in november

Climate in Caleta de Fuste in november

In the month of november, maximum temperature is 72°F and minimum temperature is 68°F (for an average temperature of 70°F). The climate is nice in that locality in this month. With about 0.9in over 1 days, rainfall is infrequent during your vacations.
With a perfect weather, november is an advisable month to go in this locality in Fuerteventura.

Average temperature 70°F
Highest temperature 72°F
Lowest temperature 68°F
Sea temperature 71°F
Rainfall 0.9in
Number of days with rainfall 1 day(s)
Humidity 76%
Daily sunshine hours 10
Cloud cover 29%
Length of day 10:44
Our opinion at perfect
more information about the climate in Caleta de Fuste in november

All cities on the island of Fuerteventura in november

Puerto del Rosario in novemberperfect weather
Corralejo in novemberperfect weather
Morro Jable in novemberperfect weather
Antigua in novemberperfect weather
Caleta de Fuste in novemberperfect weather
Costa Calma in novemberperfect weather
Gran Tarajal in novemberperfect weather
Cofete in novemberperfect weather
El Cotillo in novemberperfect weather
La Pared in novemberperfect weather
Pajara in novemberperfect weather
Tuineje in novemberperfect weather

Weather data for Fuerteventura in november:

Weather data for Fuerteventura in november is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 on the island of Fuerteventura. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather on the island of Fuerteventura can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to Fuerteventura.

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