Maldives in may: average Weather, Temperature and Climate, Where to go?
Weather in Maldives in may 2025
Below, check out the weather forecast for may for most popular cities in Maldives. These forecasts are probabilities for the month of may from weather reports for over 10 years. The percentage indicates the possibility of having the weather indicated.
Average weather in may in Male
tolerable weather UV index: 7
Weather at 6am
Moderate rain at times
40% of time
Weather at 12pm
Moderate rain at times
34% of time
Weather at 6pm
Moderate rain at times
41% of time
Weather at 3am
Where to go in Maldives in may?
Where to go in Maldives in may: destination map
Where should you go in Maldives in may when it comes to the weather?
The climate in Maldives in may is tolerable across the board.
The month of May sees the climatic conditions in the Maldives degrade further. Not only are temperatures high, but precipitation is increasing in both frequency and intensity. However, the climate throughout May in the Maldives remains acceptable throughout the country. The sunshine between showers allows to enjoy a nice warmth while having fun at the beach.
May Climate in Dhidhdhoo and North Atolls
The monsoon is influencing the Maldives climate and is causing an increase in precipitation. For this reason, even if the first two periods are still sunny, expect intense rains in Dhidhdhoo towards the end of the month.
May Climate in Gan and the atolls to the South
At this time of year, Gan experiences a high level of humidity - which has gained in intensity because, contrary to appearances, the number of rainy days remains essentially the same as in the previous month. One will then benefit from a few days of good weather, especially as the rains within the first days of the month gradually fade.
May Climate in Malé and Central Atolls
Malé is influenced by the climates of the North and South atolls. Thus, the weather in the Maldives throughout May is unfavorable due to the rise in heat and the abundance of rainfall.
Climate in Maldives in may
Climate in Male in may
In the month of may, maximum temperature is 86°F and minimum temperature is 85°F (for an average temperature of 85°F). The climate is burning there in this month. With 14.2in over 18 days, rain is to be feared during your stay. Consider to bring Rain coats.
With a correct weather, may is okay (but not the best time) for traveling there in Maldives.
May | |||
Average temperature | 85°F | ||
Highest temperature | 86°F | ||
Lowest temperature | 85°F | ||
Sea temperature | 86°F | ||
Rainfall | 14.2in | ||
Number of days with rainfall | 18 day(s) (57%) | ||
Humidity | 77% | ||
Daily sunshine hours | 12 | ||
Cloud cover | 44% | ||
Length of day | 12:18 | ||
Our opinion at | tolerable |
Climate in Addu Atoll in may
In the month of may, maximum temperature is 86°F and minimum temperature is 85°F (for an average temperature of 85°F). The climate is very hot in that area in this month. With 12.7in over 15 days, rainfall can happen throughout your journey. But this is pretty moderate and you will not be too bothered by it.
With proper weather, may is okay (but not the best time) for traveling in this city in Maldives.
May | |||
Average temperature | 85°F | ||
Highest temperature | 86°F | ||
Lowest temperature | 85°F | ||
Sea temperature | 86°F | ||
Rainfall | 12.7in | ||
Number of days with rainfall | 15 day(s) (50%) | ||
Humidity | 76% | ||
Daily sunshine hours | 11 | ||
Cloud cover | 41% | ||
Length of day | 12:05 | ||
Our opinion at | tolerable |
Climate in Dharavandhoo in may
In may, the mean temperature in Dharavandhoo is 85°F (maximum temperature is 86°F and minimum temperature is 85°F). The climate is very hot in that area in the month of may. With 14.2in over 18 days, rain is to be feared throughout your holidays. Remember to bring rain clothes.
With proper weather, the month of may is okay (but not the best month) for traveling in Dharavandhoo.
May | |||
Average temperature | 85°F | ||
Highest temperature | 86°F | ||
Lowest temperature | 85°F | ||
Sea temperature | 86°F | ||
Rainfall | 14.2in | ||
Number of days with rainfall | 18 day(s) (57%) | ||
Humidity | 77% | ||
Daily sunshine hours | 12 | ||
Cloud cover | 44% | ||
Length of day | 12:21 | ||
Our opinion at | tolerable |
Climate in Dhidhdhoo in may
In the month of may, maximum temperature is 86°F and minimum temperature is 85°F (for an average temperature of 86°F). The climate is very warm here in the month of may. With 9.9in over 12 days, rainfall can happen for your holidays. But this is pretty moderate and it is only of temporary showers.
With proper weather, may is okay (but not the best time) for traveling in Dhidhdhoo.
May | |||
Average temperature | 86°F | ||
Highest temperature | 86°F | ||
Lowest temperature | 85°F | ||
Sea temperature | 86°F | ||
Rainfall | 9.9in | ||
Number of days with rainfall | 12 day(s) (38%) | ||
Humidity | 77% | ||
Daily sunshine hours | 13 | ||
Cloud cover | 40% | ||
Length of day | 12:26 | ||
Our opinion at | tolerable |
Climate in Gan in may
In the month of may, the mean temperature in Gan is 85°F (maximum temperature is 86°F and minimum temperature is 85°F). The climate is burning in that area in the month of may. With 12.7in over 15 days, you risk getting wet slightly throughout your holidays. But this is reasonably and it is only of temporary showers.
With a correct weather, may is okay (but not good month) for traveling in that area.
May | |||
Average temperature | 85°F | ||
Highest temperature | 86°F | ||
Lowest temperature | 85°F | ||
Sea temperature | 86°F | ||
Rainfall | 12.7in | ||
Number of days with rainfall | 15 day(s) (50%) | ||
Humidity | 76% | ||
Daily sunshine hours | 11 | ||
Cloud cover | 41% | ||
Length of day | 12:05 | ||
Our opinion at | tolerable |
All cities in Maldives in may
Male in may | tolerable weather |
Addu Atoll in may | tolerable weather |
Dharavandhoo in may | tolerable weather |
Dhidhdhoo in may | tolerable weather |
Gan in may | tolerable weather |
Hulhulé in may | tolerable weather |
Maafushi in may | tolerable weather |
Naifaru (Faadhippolhu atoll) in may | tolerable weather |
Thulusdhoo in may | tolerable weather |
Weather data for Maldives in may:
Weather data for Maldives in may is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Maldives. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Maldives can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to the Maldives.