Best time to go to Ooty Average weather of Ooty, India
When is the best time to go to Ooty?
When is the best time to go to Ooty? Here's some information to help you in your decision:
- The best months for good weather in Ooty are January, February, March and December
- On average, the warmest months are February, March, April and May
- The rainiest months are May and October
Annual weather in Ooty

Weather details in Ooty month by month
Weather and climate in Ooty
Ooty enjoys a tropical savanna climate (with dry winter) in accordance with the Köppen-Geiger classification. The yearly average maximum temperature in Ooty is 83°F (ranging from 79°F in november to 92°F in april). Annual rainfall is 137.2in, with a minimum of 1.3in in january and a maximum of 22.5in in october.
- From january to february the climate is very good. the thermometer goes up to 88°F°C and it rains in february about 1.5in.
- In march the climate is favorable. the thermometer goes up to 90°F°C and it rains in march about 3.9in.
- In the month of april the climate is just OK. In average, on the morning it is 79°F and it rains about 10.5in each month.
- In the month of may the climate is the worst possible. At lunchtime, it's 86°F in average and it rains about 80% of the time in may.
- In june the climate is not good, but still OK. In average, on the morning it is 74°F and you can expect to have 11.5in of rainfall/month during this period.
- Between july and october the climate is the worst possible. At lunchtime, it's 79°F in average.
- In november the climate is not good. In average, on the morning it is 70°F and it rains in november about 13.1in.
- In december the climate is good. It is for example 81°F as maximum temperature in december and, in december, 7 days of rain are expected.
Charts: temperature and rainfall in Ooty
In the charts below, you can see the following seasonal norms for the city of Ooty: the minimum and maximum outdoor temperature, the risk and amount of monthly rainfall, daily average sunshine, and relative humidity for each month of the year.
Outside temperature
Precipitation (rainfall)
Daily sunshine hours
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