Weather in Guatemala in november 2025

In this section, you have access to the weather forecast for november for most popular cities in Guatemala. These predictions are probabilities for november from weather reports for over 10 years. The percentage indicates the possibility of having the weather mentioned.

Average weather in november in Guatemala City

good weather

Weather at 6am





Moderate rain at times


Weather at 12pm

Moderate rain at times


Partly Cloudy


Heavy rain


Weather at 6pm



Heavy rain


Partly Cloudy


Weather at 3am

Partly Cloudy






Moderate rain at times


More information about the weather in Guatemala City in november

Where to go in Guatemala in november?

Where to go in Guatemala in november: destination map

Guatemala: weather map in november in different regions
Guatemala: weather map in november in different regions ©

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Where to go in each region in november?

Caribbean coast of Guatemala
(Livingston, Puerto Barrios, Morales...)
81°F to 83°F9 à 17 days85°F
tolerable weather
Central of Guatemala
(Guatemala City, Cobán, Zacapa...)
68°F to 85°F1 à 14 days
good weather*
Pacific coast of Guatemala
(Champerico, Puerto San José, Tecojate...)
85°F to 90°F1 à 11 days85°F to 86°F
perfect weather*
(Flores, El Naranjo, Tikal...)
81°F to 85°F2 à 8 days
tolerable weather*
West of Guatemala
(Huehuetenango, Quetzaltenango, Nentón...)
67°F to 88°F1 à 11 days
good weather*
*over most of the region. Weather may vary locally.

Where should you go in Guatemala in november when it comes to the weather?

The climate in Guatemala in november ranges from perfect to tolerable depending on the region and city.

On the month of november the weather in Guatemala is just perfect, but in Tulate only. Thus, in Tulate the conditions are met so that you can live fully your travel: the sun is here, rainfall is scarce and the humidity is endurable. It is therefore the ideal month to go to this city!

Apart from of Tulate, the weather is still favorable in Antigua, Guatemala City, San Marcos and Antigua Guatemala. In these cities, temperatures are still suitable and allow you to visit and enjoy the sun.

If you do not go for the sun or the beach, but, for example to go sightseeing, the cities of Flores, Río Dulce and Huehuetenango have a just ok weather for it in november. Finally, it is not advisable to travel in Cobán in november because the climate is bad.

Climate in Guatemala in november

Climate in Guatemala City in november

In november, maximum temperature is 76°F and minimum temperature is 58°F (for an average temperature of 67°F). The climate quite pleasant in that area in this month. With 3.7in over 6 days, you risk getting wet slightly throughout your trip. But this is rather reasonably and you will not be too bothered by it.
With a good weather, november is a good month to go in Guatemala City.

Average temperature 67°F
Highest temperature 76°F
Lowest temperature 58°F
Rainfall 3.7in
Number of days with rainfall 6 day(s)
Humidity 95%
Daily sunshine hours 9
Cloud cover 42%
Length of day 11:28
Our opinion at good
more information about the climate in Guatemala City in november

Climate in Champerico in november

In the month of november, the mean temperature in Champerico is 83°F (maximum temperature is 88°F and minimum temperature is 77°F). The climate is very hot around this city in this month. It rains very rarely during november. You will be well dry for your journey!
With ideal weather conditions, november is an advisable month to go in this city.

Average temperature 83°F
Highest temperature 88°F
Lowest temperature 77°F
Rainfall 0.7in
Number of days with rainfall 1 day(s)
Humidity 78%
Daily sunshine hours 9
Cloud cover 22%
Length of day 11:28
Our opinion at perfect
more information about the climate in Champerico in november

Climate in Cobán in november

In the month of november, maximum temperature is 74°F and minimum temperature is 61°F (for an average temperature of 68°F). The climate pleasant in that area in this month. With 14.8in over 14 days, you may find yourself often in the rain for your journey. Remember to bring adapted clothes.
With a bad climate, november is not recommended month to go there in Guatemala.

Average temperature 68°F
Highest temperature 74°F
Lowest temperature 61°F
Rainfall 14.8in
Number of days with rainfall 14 day(s)
Humidity 98%
Daily sunshine hours 8
Cloud cover 69%
Length of day 11:25
Our opinion at bad
more information about the climate in Cobán in november

Climate in Livingston in november

In the month of november, maximum temperature is 81°F and minimum temperature is 74°F (for an average temperature of 77°F). The climate is quite comfortable in that area in this month. With 6.5in over 9 days, you risk getting wet slightly during your holidays. But this is moderate and you will not be too bothered by it.
With proper weather, november is okay (but not good time) for traveling in Livingston in Guatemala.

Average temperature 77°F
Highest temperature 81°F
Lowest temperature 74°F
Rainfall 6.5in
Number of days with rainfall 9 day(s)
Humidity 93%
Daily sunshine hours 8
Cloud cover 63%
Length of day 11:24
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in Livingston in november

Climate in El Naranjo in november

In november, maximum temperature is 83°F and minimum temperature is 68°F (for an average temperature of 76°F). The climate is enjoyable in this city in this month. It does not rain (or really exceptionally) during the month of november. You will therefore be at the shelter from rain during your vacations!
With proper weather, november is okay (but not the best month) for traveling in this locality in Guatemala.

Average temperature 76°F
Highest temperature 83°F
Lowest temperature 68°F
Rainfall 1.3in
Number of days with rainfall 2 day(s)
Humidity 99%
Daily sunshine hours 7
Cloud cover 65%
Length of day 11:20
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in El Naranjo in november

All cities in Guatemala in november

Guatemala City in novembergood weather
Champerico in novemberperfect weather
Cobán in novemberbad weather
Livingston in novembertolerable weather
El Naranjo in novembertolerable weather
Flores in novembertolerable weather
Huehuetenango in novembertolerable weather
Morales in novembertolerable weather
Nentón in novembertolerable weather
Puerto Barrios in novembertolerable weather
Puerto San José in novembergood weather
Quetzaltenango in novembergood weather
Tecojate in novemberperfect weather
Tikal in novembertolerable weather
Zacapa in novembertolerable weather
Antigua in novembergood weather
Bethel in novembertolerable weather
El Estor in novembertolerable weather
El Paredon in novemberperfect weather
El Semillero Barra Nahualate in novemberperfect weather
Esquipulas in novemberperfect weather
Ixcán in novemberbad weather
Iztapa in novemberperfect weather
Lanquín in novembertolerable weather
Monterrico in novemberperfect weather
Ocos in novemberperfect weather
Panajachel in novembergood weather
Poptún in novemberbad weather
Quirigua in novembertolerable weather
Río Dulce in novembertolerable weather
Salamá in novembergood weather
San Marcos in novembergood weather
Santa Cruz del Quiché in novembertolerable weather
Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa in novemberperfect weather
Semuc Champey in novembertolerable weather
See full list of cities (47)

Weather data for Guatemala in november:

Weather data for Guatemala in november is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Guatemala. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Guatemala can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to Guatemala.

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