Weather in Martinique in august 2025

Here, find the the weather forecast for august for most popular cities in Martinique. These datas are statistics for the month of august from weather reports for over 10 years. The percentage indicates the possibility of having the weather indicated.

Average weather in august in Fort de France

tolerable weather UV index: 7

Weather at 6am

Partly Cloudy


Heavy rain




Weather at 12pm



Partly Cloudy


Heavy rain


Weather at 6pm

Partly Cloudy




Heavy rain


Weather at 3am

Partly Cloudy


Moderate rain at times






More information about the weather in Fort de France in august

Where to go in Martinique in august?

Where to go in Martinique in august: destination map

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors
Legend: perfect weather good tolerable bad very bad

Where should you go in Martinique in august when it comes to the weather?

The climate in Martinique in august is tolerable across the board.

It is becoming hotter as the showers continue to flood the plains of Martinique. The wet season is in full swing and the weather throughout August in Martinique is just bearable. In fact, the heat continues to climb for the first two ten day periods and this moment in time also corresponds to arrival time of showers - that can take place sporadically.

Fort de France and the Center of the Island in August

Forget hikes or other outdoors excursions during the first ten days of August. The weather is not favorable! Rain and showers dominate the surrounding area of Fort de France at this time of year. We must wait until the last fifteen days of the month to be capable of taking advantage of the few cloud thinnings.

Mountain Pele and the North of the Island in August

As in Fort de France, the first two weeks of August are rainy. Showers can come as a surprise at any time of the day. However, with the cloud thinnings that succeed these rainy periods, it is still possible to have an alternation of sun and clouds.

Sainte-Anne and the South of the Island in August

In August, the climate in Martinique, particularly that of Sainte-Anne is identical to that of the other localities in Martinique. We must wait until the last ten days of the month to see the return of the sun.

Climate in Martinique in august

Climate in Fort de France in august

In august, the mean temperature in Fort de France is 85°F (maximum temperature is 86°F and minimum temperature is 83°F). The climate is very warm there in the month of august. With 7in over 10 days, rain may occur throughout your holidays. But this is pretty reasonably and it is only of temporary showers.
With a correct weather, august is okay (but not good month) for traveling in this locality in Martinique.

Average temperature 85°F
Highest temperature 86°F
Lowest temperature 83°F
Sea temperature 85°F
Rainfall 7in
Number of days with rainfall 10 day(s)
Humidity 78%
Daily sunshine hours 13
Cloud cover 42%
Length of day 12:36
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in Fort de France in august

Climate in Le Diamant in august

In the month of august, the mean temperature in Le Diamant is 85°F (maximum temperature is 86°F and minimum temperature is 83°F). The climate is quite good around this city in this month. With 7in over 10 days, rainfall can happen for your stay. But this is reasonably and it is only of temporary showers.
With a correct climate, the month of august is okay (but not the best month) for traveling in this city in Martinique.

Average temperature 85°F
Highest temperature 86°F
Lowest temperature 83°F
Sea temperature 84°F
Rainfall 7in
Number of days with rainfall 10 day(s)
Humidity 78%
Daily sunshine hours 13
Cloud cover 42%
Length of day 12:36
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in Le Diamant in august

Climate in Grand'Rivière in august

In august, the mean temperature in Grand'Rivière is 85°F (maximum temperature is 86°F and minimum temperature is 83°F). The climate is very hot in this city in this month. With 7in over 10 days, rainfall can happen for your holidays. But this is pretty reasonably and it will not be continuous.
With proper weather, the month of august is okay (but not good month) for traveling in Grand'Rivière.

Average temperature 85°F
Highest temperature 86°F
Lowest temperature 83°F
Sea temperature 85°F
Rainfall 7in
Number of days with rainfall 10 day(s)
Humidity 78%
Daily sunshine hours 13
Cloud cover 42%
Length of day 12:36
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in Grand'Rivière in august

Climate in Caravelle peninsula in august

In the month of august, the mean temperature in Caravelle peninsula is 85°F (maximum temperature is 86°F and minimum temperature is 83°F). The climate is burning around this city in the month of august. With 7in over 10 days, you will experience some showers during your journey. But this is pretty reasonably and it will not be continuous.
With a correct weather, the month of august is okay (but not good month) for traveling in this city.

Average temperature 85°F
Highest temperature 86°F
Lowest temperature 83°F
Sea temperature 85°F
Rainfall 7in
Number of days with rainfall 10 day(s)
Humidity 78%
Daily sunshine hours 13
Cloud cover 42%
Length of day 12:36
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in Caravelle peninsula in august

Climate in Sainte Anne in august

In the month of august, maximum temperature is 86°F and minimum temperature is 83°F (for an average temperature of 85°F). The climate is very hot in this city in the month of august. With 7in over 10 days, you risk getting wet slightly for your stay. But this is reasonably and it will not be continuous.
With a correct weather, the month of august is okay (but not the best month) for traveling in Sainte Anne.

Average temperature 85°F
Highest temperature 86°F
Lowest temperature 83°F
Sea temperature 84°F
Rainfall 7in
Number of days with rainfall 10 day(s)
Humidity 78%
Daily sunshine hours 13
Cloud cover 42%
Length of day 12:36
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in Sainte Anne in august

All cities in Martinique in august

Fort-de-France in augusttolerable weather
Le Diamant in augusttolerable weather
Grand'Rivière in augusttolerable weather
Caravelle peninsula in augusttolerable weather
Sainte Anne in augusttolerable weather
Sainte-Luce in augusttolerable weather
Bellefontaine in augusttolerable weather
Anse Couleuvre in augusttolerable weather
Les Anses d’Arlet in augusttolerable weather
Les Boucaniers in augusttolerable weather
Carbet in augusttolerable weather
Case-Pilote in augusttolerable weather
Fonds-Saint-Denis in augusttolerable weather
Gros-Morne in augusttolerable weather
La Trinité in augusttolerable weather
Lamentin in augusttolerable weather
Montagne Pelée in augusttolerable weather
Le Morne Larcher in augusttolerable weather
Le Morne Rouge in augusttolerable weather
Cap Macré Beach in augusttolerable weather
Salines Beach in augusttolerable weather
Les Trois-Ilets in augusttolerable weather
Basse-Pointe in augusttolerable weather
Sainte-Marie in augusttolerable weather
Ducos in augusttolerable weather
Le Lorrain in augusttolerable weather
Le Francois in augusttolerable weather
Le Gros-Morne in augusttolerable weather
Le Marin in augusttolerable weather
Le Robert in augusttolerable weather
Le Vauclin in augusttolerable weather
Riviere-Pilote in augusttolerable weather
Saint-Pierre in augusttolerable weather
Saint-Esprit in augusttolerable weather
Saint-Joseph in augusttolerable weather
See full list of cities (35)

Weather data for Martinique in august:

Weather data for Martinique in august is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Martinique. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Martinique can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to Martinique.

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