Cape Verde in may: average Weather, Temperature and Climate, Where to go?
Weather in Cabo Verde in may 2025
Below, find the the weather forecast for may for most popular cities in Cape Verde. These datas are probabilities for may from weather reports for many years. The percentage indicates the probability of having the weather mentioned.
Average weather in may in Praia
perfect weather UV index: 7
Weather at 6am
69% of time
Weather at 12pm
84% of time
Weather at 6pm
74% of time
Weather at 3am
Where to go in Cabo Verde in may?
Where to go in Cabo Verde in may: destination map
Where to go in each region in may?
Boa Vista (Sal Rei, Rabil, Curral Velho...) | 74°F | 2 days | 74°F | perfect weather |
Fogo (Ilha Brava, São Filipe (Fogo Island), Mosteiros...) | 79°F | 1 day | 76°F to 77°F | perfect weather |
Maio (Calheta...) | 79°F | 1 day | 76°F | perfect weather |
Sal (Espargos (Sal Island), Santa Maria (Cape Verde), Murdeira...) | 74°F | 2 days | 74°F | perfect weather |
Santiago (Praia, Tarrafal, Pedra Badejo...) | 79°F | 1 day | 76°F | perfect weather |
Santo Antão (Porto Novo, Ribeira Grande, Tarrafal de Monte Trigo...) | 76°F | 1 day | 76°F | perfect weather |
São Nicolau (Ribeira Brava (São Nicolau)...) | 76°F | 1 day | 76°F | perfect weather |
São Vicente (Mindelo, Santa Luzia island, Baía das Gatas...) | 76°F | 1 day | 76°F | perfect weather |
Where should you go in Cabo Verde in may when it comes to the weather?
The climate in Cabo Verde in may is perfect across the board.
From sun all day long, ideal temperatures, moderate breezes that temper the heat of the day, to a perfectly clear sky: the climate throughout May in Cape Verde has nothing to envy of the previous months. Indeed, as in April and March, the climatic conditions in the archipelago of Cape Verde are simply perfect. Even if temperatures rise, the variations are so low that they are not noticeable. Only measuring instruments make it possible to confirm this small difference in temperature.
Mornings throughout May in Cape Verde
Even if the climatic conditions are identical to those of the previous months, the difference lies in the hours of sunrise. This means that the month of May sees longer days than those in January. One will have more time for entertainment.
Midday throughout May in Cape Verde
The same clear sky in April illuminates the weather in Cape Verde throughout May. In spite of the imperceptible increase of temperatures in the middle of the day, the heat is still pleasant.
Early Evenings throughout May in Cape Verde
At the time of the sunset, the weather sees a slight drop in temperature. The climate at the end of the evening is ideal allowing to admire a starry sky and for splendid evenings with friends and family.
Climate in Cabo Verde in may
Climate in Praia in may
In the month of may, the mean temperature in Praia is 76°F (maximum temperature is 79°F and minimum temperature is 74°F). The climate quite nice there in the month of may. There is no rain during may. You will be well dry during your stay!
With a perfect climate, may is a recommended time to go there.
May | |||
Average temperature | 76°F | ||
Highest temperature | 79°F | ||
Lowest temperature | 74°F | ||
Sea temperature | 75°F | ||
Rainfall | 0.1in | ||
Number of days with rainfall | 1 day(s) (3%) | ||
Humidity | 80% | ||
Daily sunshine hours | 12 | ||
Cloud cover | 14% | ||
Length of day | 12:49 | ||
Our opinion at | perfect |
Climate in Boa Vista island in may
In the month of may, maximum temperature is 74°F and minimum temperature is 72°F (for an average temperature of 74°F). The climate comfortable there in this month. does not rain (or really exceptionally) during may. You stay dry for your vacations!
With ideal weather conditions, may is an advisable month to go in that area in Cape Verde.
May | |||
Average temperature | 74°F | ||
Highest temperature | 74°F | ||
Lowest temperature | 72°F | ||
Sea temperature | 74°F | ||
Rainfall | 0.2in | ||
Number of days with rainfall | 2 day(s) (5%) | ||
Humidity | 83% | ||
Daily sunshine hours | 12 | ||
Cloud cover | 24% | ||
Length of day | 12:53 | ||
Our opinion at | perfect |
Climate in Sal Rei in may
In may, the mean temperature in Sal Rei is 74°F (maximum temperature is 74°F and minimum temperature is 72°F). The climate pleasant in this location in may. does not rain (or really exceptionally) during the month of may. You will be well dry throughout your vacations!
With ideal weather conditions, may is an advisable time to go there in Cape Verde.
May | |||
Average temperature | 74°F | ||
Highest temperature | 74°F | ||
Lowest temperature | 72°F | ||
Sea temperature | 74°F | ||
Rainfall | 0.2in | ||
Number of days with rainfall | 2 day(s) (5%) | ||
Humidity | 83% | ||
Daily sunshine hours | 12 | ||
Cloud cover | 24% | ||
Length of day | 12:53 | ||
Our opinion at | perfect |
Climate in Baía das Gatas in may
In the month of may, the mean temperature in Baía das Gatas is 74°F (maximum temperature is 76°F and minimum temperature is 72°F). The climate is enjoyable there in this month. It's raining really exceptionally during may. You will therefore be at the shelter from rain throughout your stay!
With ideal weather conditions, may is a recommended month to go in this locality in Cape Verde.
May | |||
Average temperature | 74°F | ||
Highest temperature | 76°F | ||
Lowest temperature | 72°F | ||
Sea temperature | 76°F | ||
Rainfall | 0.2in | ||
Number of days with rainfall | 1 day(s) (4%) | ||
Humidity | 80% | ||
Daily sunshine hours | 12 | ||
Cloud cover | 20% | ||
Length of day | 12:56 | ||
Our opinion at | perfect |
Climate in Calheta in may
In the month of may, maximum temperature is 79°F and minimum temperature is 74°F (for an average temperature of 76°F). The climate is pleasant there in this month. It almost never rains during the month of may. You stay dry for your journey!
With a perfect climate, may is an advisable month to go in Calheta in Cape Verde.
May | |||
Average temperature | 76°F | ||
Highest temperature | 79°F | ||
Lowest temperature | 74°F | ||
Sea temperature | 74°F | ||
Rainfall | 0.1in | ||
Number of days with rainfall | 1 day(s) (3%) | ||
Humidity | 80% | ||
Daily sunshine hours | 12 | ||
Cloud cover | 14% | ||
Length of day | 12:50 | ||
Our opinion at | perfect |
All cities in Cabo Verde in may
Praia in may | perfect weather |
Boa Vista island in may | perfect weather |
Sal Rei in may | perfect weather |
Baía das Gatas in may | perfect weather |
Calheta in may | perfect weather |
Curral Velho in may | perfect weather |
Espargos (Sal Island) in may | perfect weather |
Ilha Brava in may | perfect weather |
Santa Luzia island in may | perfect weather |
Mindelo in may | perfect weather |
Mosteiros in may | perfect weather |
Murdeira in may | perfect weather |
Pedra Badejo in may | perfect weather |
Porto Novo in may | perfect weather |
Rabil in may | perfect weather |
Ribeira Brava (São Nicolau) in may | perfect weather |
Ribeira Grande in may | perfect weather |
Santa Maria (Cape Verde) in may | perfect weather |
Santiago Island in may | perfect weather |
Ilha de Santo Antão in may | perfect weather |
São Filipe (Fogo Island) in may | perfect weather |
São Vicente island in may | perfect weather |
Tarrafal in may | perfect weather |
Tarrafal de Monte Trigo in may | perfect weather |
Weather data for Cape Verde in may:
Weather data for Cape Verde in may is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Cabo Verde. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Cabo Verde can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to Cape Verde.