Travel budget and cost of living in Mardin (Turkey) how much does a trip cost?
Planning a trip to Mardin? Calculate your travel budget quickly and for free with our tool. Get to grips with actual prices and the cost of living in Mardin in Turkey with our comprehensive and reliable information.
Mardin travel budget
Mardin: calculate your travel budget
Sample budgets for a trip to Mardin
These example budgets assume a 2-week holiday in Mardin for 2 people.
Low budget
Daily budget:
- /
- $ 6.3 per person
- $ 0.8 per person
- Free activities
Total budget:
$ 201* (6958 £)
Average budget
Daily budget:
- /
- $ 14 per person
- $ 4.8 per person
- $ 1.8 per person
Total budget:
$ 558* (19348 £)
High budget
Daily budget:
- NC
- $ 19 per person
- $ 12 per person
- $ 3.6 per person
Total budget:
$ 943* (32732 £)
* estimated local budget for 2 people for 2 weeks (excluding plane tickets).
Cost of living in Mardin compared to United States in 2024
On average, the cost of living in Mardin in 2024 is 65% less than the average cost of living in the United States (USA).
See the graphic below for the price variation percentage by type of expense in Mardin in 2024 compared to average prices in the United States (USA):
Explore each type of expense in detail:
Local prices in Mardin by expense type
Restaurant budget in Mardin
($ 2.4 to $ 8.5)
72% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 20
($ 5.4 to $ 11)
78% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 37
($ 4.8 to $ 4.8)
54% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 11
($ 2.1 to $ 2.3)
62% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 5.9
($ 1.8 to $ 1.8)
49% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 3.5
($ 2.1 to $ 2.4)
55% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 5.1
($ 0.7 to $ 1.8)
47% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 2.5
($ 0.1 to $ 0.1)
92% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 2
Supermarket food budget in Mardin
( $ 0.6)
36% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 1
( $ 0.7)
78% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 3.5
( $ 1.3)
71% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 4.5
( $ 1.3)
66% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 3.6
( $ 5.7)
51% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 12
( $ 0.9)
82% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 5.2
( $ 0.6)
87% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 4.8
( $ 0.5)
81% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 2.9
($ 0.1 to $ 0.1)
94% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 2.2
Public and private transport budget in Mardin
($ 0.2 to $ 0.3)
90% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 2.4
($ 0.7 to $ 0.7)
59% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 1.7
($ 0.9 to $ 1.2)
15% more than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 0.9
($ 0.9 to $ 1.3)
73% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 3.6
Leisure activity budget in Mardin
($ 1.8 to $ 2.9)
86% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 14
( $ 11)
46% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 21
Budget for clothes and price of cigarettes in Mardin
($ 1.8 to $ 1.8)
81% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 10
($ 9.1 to $ 45)
55% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 52
($ 9.1 to $ 74)
78% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 42
Plane ticket budget
(fair price: $ 209)
(fair price: $ 249)
(fair price: $ 240)
(fair price: $ 1155)
(fair price: $ 717)
(fair price: $ 1197)
About this information on the cost of living in Mardin
The information about the cost of living in Mardin shown on this page comes from multiple sources, including: Numbeo, Skyscanner and
The information about the cost of living in Mardin was updated on 12-11-2024.
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