Travel budget and cost of living in Saint-Denis (Reunion) how much does a trip cost?
Planning a trip to Saint-Denis? Calculate your travel budget quickly and for free with our tool. Get to grips with actual prices and the cost of living in Saint-Denis on the island of Reunion with our comprehensive and reliable information.
Saint-Denis travel budget
Saint-Denis: calculate your travel budget
Sample budgets for a trip to Saint-Denis
These example budgets assume a 2-week holiday in Saint-Denis for 2 people.
Low budget
Daily budget:
- $ 64 for 2 ppl.
- $ 20 per person
- $ 3.3 per person
- Free activities
Total budget:
$ 1530* (1470 €)
Average budget
Daily budget:
- $ 143 for 2 ppl.
- $ 45 per person
- $ 14 per person
- $ 11 per person
Total budget:
$ 3937* (3780 €)
High budget
Daily budget:
- $ 165 for 2 ppl.
- $ 59 per person
- $ 33 per person
- $ 21 per person
Total budget:
$ 5434* (5222 €)
* estimated local budget for 2 people for 2 weeks (excluding plane tickets).
Cost of living in Saint-Denis compared to United States in 2024
On average, the cost of living in Saint-Denis in 2024 is 11% less than the average cost of living in the United States (USA).
See the graphic below for the price variation percentage by type of expense in Saint-Denis in 2024 compared to average prices in the United States (USA):
Explore each type of expense in detail:
Local prices in Saint-Denis by expense type
Restaurant budget in Saint-Denis
($ 4.2 to $ 21)
34% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 20
($ 27 to $ 27)
28% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 37
($ 17 to $ 21)
76% more than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 11
($ 4.2 to $ 11)
26% more than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 5.8
( $ 4.2)
22% more than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 3.4
($ 1.8 to $ 5.2)
33% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 5
($ 2.1 to $ 3.7)
17% more than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 2.5
( $ 2.1)
5% more than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 2
Hotel and accommodation budget in Saint-Denis
($ 64 to $ 369)
60% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 163
($ 70 to $ 258)
13% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 151
($ 82 to $ 311)
29% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 221
($ 94 to $ 333)
42% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 303
($ 173 to $ 361)
48% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 454
($ 84 to $ 204)
24% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 161
($ 78 to $ 325)
31% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 234
($ 79 to $ 373)
17% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 201
($ 69 to $ 278)
36% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 221
($ 110 to $ 644)
46% more than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 199
Supermarket food budget in Saint-Denis
( $ 1)
3% more than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 1
( $ 4.2)
20% more than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 3.5
($ 1 to $ 2.6)
61% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 4.5
($ 3.1 to $ 4.4)
5% more than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 3.6
( $ 13)
7% more than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 12
( $ 2.6)
49% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 5.1
( $ 2.1)
56% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 4.8
( $ 3.1)
9% more than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 2.9
( $ 0.6)
70% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 2.1
Public and private transport budget in Saint-Denis
($ 0.8 to $ 2.1)
67% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 2.4
( $ 2)
16% more than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 1.7
( $ 2.1)
125% more than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 0.9
( $ 2.7)
24% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 3.6
($ 18 to $ 60)
40% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 69
Leisure activity budget in Saint-Denis
( $ 11)
23% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 14
($ 13 to $ 16)
31% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 21
Budget for clothes and price of cigarettes in Saint-Denis
($ 11 to $ 13)
18% more than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 10
( $ 63)
23% more than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 52
( $ 21)
50% less than in the United States (USA) Average price in the United States (USA): $ 42
Plane ticket budget
(fair price: $ 1239)
(fair price: $ 862)
(fair price: $ 877)
(fair price: $ 859)
(fair price: $ 1255)
(fair price: $ 1554)
About this information on the cost of living in Saint-Denis
The information about the cost of living in Saint-Denis shown on this page comes from multiple sources, including: Numbeo, Skyscanner and
The information about the cost of living in Saint-Denis was updated on 11-11-2024.
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